On the mind of Nour Hammoud: The Female Power is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that empowers women by providing educational programs for them to start their businesses.
But it’s not only that…
While the main target of the NGO is the women, it isn’t the only target;
No matter who you are and what you want to do, this NGO has got you covered.
With boot camps that vary from educating you about women’s rights at work and entrepreneurial ones, this NGO targets women and men for a journey to change.

It is no secret for everyone that women are victims of patriarchal societies, and sometimes ones that are considered socially “woke”.
They are the ones that suffer from gender inequalities and end up in situations they had no control on and can’t leave because of the lack of financial independence and education to get them through life.
And while there is no need to focus on the whys as they are known by everyone, the focus of the article is on the how.
How to help these women get out of their situation and help them create or recreate themselves.
The NGO focuses on the how with one word: knowledge.
They say knowledge is power but for women, knowledge is a superpower.
“Educated woman don’t need empowerment, they are already empowered.”
This is the NGO’s slogan and their strategy of work. This is why the Female Power focuses on providing in-depth education for women and men in well-studied and prepared boot camps. Business workshops designated for women only and englobe every aspect they need to know on how to start their businesses, from giving classes to better their English as it is one of the official languages spoken to marketing and project management classes; an entrepreneurial boot camp that will leave them ready to start something for themselves. Women rights seminars and workshops are open for both genders as it is for educational purposes on the woman’s rights at work and in general; Yearly conferences about women.
The NGO works on the personal and professional side of the person; while every notion you need in business is taught during the workshops, the Female Power also focuses on developing soft skills that are needed in the business world like interpersonal and public speaking skills.
You can join them to help them in their journey and be part of the change; whether as an ambassador or a member, your role is crucial for spreading awareness and reaching the highest number of women that would like to participate in these boot camps.
So join this NGO on its journey and help spread awareness and educate our women on how to start their businesses. Join them as they spread awareness and knowledge on the rights of women in the business and day-to-day life; As this NGO is still new, it is in need of volunteers and contributions. If you are an expert in any field, you are always welcome. The change starts with you so come, join and contribute. Make the world a better place by reinforcing equality and helping every woman that is either creating or recreating herself achieve her goals and stand on her own, powerful and empowered.