Did Cavemen Pave Our Way to Modern Day Activism? The Power of Storytelling-Truth be Told

On the mind of Huda Chbeir: When we think about activism we think about chants, protests, megaphones, smoke, streets, screams, and strikes. Rarely, however, do we think about the words, the narratives and the stories that might’ve led to that same revolution. Undermining storytelling has been a predominant act throughout history, despite its huge influence…

The Female Power: Education is Power

On the mind of Nour Hammoud: The Female Power is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that empowers women by providing educational programs for them to start their businesses. But it’s not only that… While the main target of the NGO is the women, it isn’t the only target; No matter who you are and what you…

The Hidden Threat

On the mind of Hasan Abbas   The 2020 year was full of great events that are unique in the history. The most significant one is the Coronavirus pandemic. At the beginning of this pandemic, and when the global lockdown started, most people turned their education and work to online. Even though not all people…

Our lives are on HOLD!

On the mind of Ali M. Halawi: With just over a month after the explosion, we have all reached a conclusion that this year couldn’t get any worse for Lebanon as it seems to have reached its peak of destruction and devastation. Unfortunately, that’s not the case anymore. As we imagined positivity and optimism could…