We are based in the beautiful Beirut City, the heart of Lebanon, with a significant presence in the Middle East & North Africa.
Sharekkna is 7 people, too many volunteers, interns, and 1 happy white bird
Many smiling happy beings who work hard to empower the community

Founder, CEO
Who am I in Sharekkna? While everyone looks at the outside, I look at the inside, to link the outside to the inside, and the inside to the outside, to see if the outside and the inside are both functioning in a harmony. Got this? Ok it’s complicated. Let’s talk about the things I love: Creative Brands, work/life balance, not being able to control the volume of my voice, coffee with my friends, and buying offers from supermarket shelves. p.s. The happy bird is mine.

Founder, CXO
The question is what does a CXO really do at Sharekkna when they get to work every day? Yeah, I wonder about that myself. I envisage it as I wake up every morning and I think about how do we continually improve and deliver a better experience to the community. I believe that we live in a world where everything is about the experience. Ohh and my favorite time is making coffee cups for my friends at work. And I’m a Series freak.

Customer Happiness
It’s basically customer support. But at Sharekkna we like to call it Customer Happiness. That’s because we care about the contentment of our followers and subscribers and the whole community. We don’t want you to be sad ever! Come on share your work videos. This will make you happy. 2020 took away the happiness in our daily norms. So let’s prepare a happier 2021. Uhh! Let’s keep it to that! I will be the one who will reply to your messages, and the one who will chat with you everywhere. Let’s start by smiling in the morning.

Creative, Interactive, Collaborative, Cooperative, Imaginative, Inventive, Innovative, productive. You name it. And yes it is a job. What do I do? As a Creative at Sharekkna, my main role is to drive the results through compelling content. Passionate about digital and social marketing, I push the envelope at Sharekkna and lead in ideation for campaign development. What I love the most? Mexican food, editing videos of National Geographic, and listening to ASMR eating.

mmm…. What do I love the most? Touring the world with two travel buddies not more. I need time to focus on the history of every country. oh! what was the main question? Yes, what do I do at Sharekkna? I make the end-result beautiful and the effort invisible. So when you look at Sharekkna designs, you will see that we work beautifully because we maintain an intense focus on simplicity and usability. You will then judge the success of our work by everything the user gets out of it.

Photographer/ Videographer
Photography is not what I do, it’s who I am. I did not say that. It’s a quote. But I agree with it. I received my first camera twenty-five years ago. Since then, I have a beautiful inspiring polaroid collection. I spend long hours photographing my kids. This is a real joy. You should try it. It’ll make you happier. What I do at Sharekkna is a focused support to the specialists who are afraid to shoot their Velfies alone, or they don’t know, or people who are not used to talking in front of the cameras. For those who are in other countries, we talk over video calls. It’s very easy. I teach them how to look at the details. I understand the techniques, they have the knowledge about their work, we combine all of this, and come out with simple informative videos.

We Need You
We are hiring a Marketing Intern to work from home.
Grit, Ingenuity, and determination are what we need.